Aluminium Glove dispenser
We materialize ideas and turn them into aluminium products! During the development of the glove dispenser our customer relied on the production know-how of ALUTECTA. The goal was to create a solid, high quality product manufactured from one piece of aluminium sheet with two face sides. Standard sheets provide one face side protected by foil. The ALUTECTA - solution is a mechanical pretreatment to use the backside as well. The combination of two different production techniques creates the base for the serial production of complete components - „all from one supplier“. This way the material input and the production could be synchronized perfectly to create economicaly efficient products with high quality. Minimizing mistakes, delivery times and costs.
Production steps
- Aluminium sheet CNC-machining of outline and perforations
- Grinding the backside of the sheets (faceside is protected by foil)
- Deburr
- Sheet canting
- Powder coating